At Capel Primary School we strive to ensure that every child should become a competent and confident user of the English language: able to live, work and succeed in a literate world where they have the ability and skills to be all they can be. In the 21st Century this means being able to communicate effectively, expressing ideas and opinions both orally and through various media. Children will develop the skills which will enable them to understand and make informed decisions by interpreting and analysing information using various critical literacy skills. They will have the skills, knowledge and understanding to be creative, self-reflective, independent and confident in their own ability to collaborate and build positive relationships with others.
All spelling patterns for each year group can be found in the Literacy New Curriculum.
Phonics at school - Parents can support the teaching of phonics through:
- Reading their child's 'Decodable Phonic Book' daily at home
- Accessing phonic videos uploaded by the class teacher on to the class web page.
Common Exception Words - will be learnt in school and at home
Year 2 – Will follow the above strategy until they complete phase 5 phonics - through daily teaching.
When children are ready to move on they will follow the weekly spelling pattern (to be shown on planning)
8 words per week, words to be written in a sentence as homework.
Key Stage 2 - 5 set words to be taught daily over the course of a week.
Weekly spelling pattern/ rule/ or SPAG area to be taught daily.
Children to apply words from their spelling sessions into their own sentences.
Common misconceptions in spelling to be addressed and rectified.