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“Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.” (Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022)

Capel-le-Ferne Primary School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors. We promote an environment where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns which they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others.

Our Safeguarding team is led by Anthony Richards (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead). He is supported in this role by Rebecca Twinn (Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead), Joshua Cope (FLO and Deputy Safeguarding Lead) Amy McLaughlin (SENCO and Deputy Safeguarding Lead) and Dave Stafford (Senior Leader and Deputy Safeguarding Lead).
If you have a safeguarding concern about the welfare of a child, please report this immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Leads or a senior member of staff. You should do this by either contacting the school by phone or by email marking the subject as 'Safeguarding'. Please be aware that emails sent outside of 8am to 5pm on school days (Monday to Friday during the school term) will not be seen until school returns. Therefore, If you have a concern regarding the welfare of a child outside of school hours please contact Kent Family Front Door on 03000 41 11 11.

School contact for safeguarding

If you would like any further information about safeguarding at Capel-le-Ferne Primary School, please make a request through the school office: and mark the email as 'safeguarding' 

Kent County Council Family Front Door

Safeguarding documents

Please see policies for safeguarding documents. 

If you believe a child is in immediate danger you should phone the police. Call 999.