Honeybees: Reception
Welcome to Honeybees!
For your information:
Class Teacher- Miss Clarke
Teaching Assistant- Mrs Partridge (Monday to Friday) and Mrs Cathrew (Friday afternoons)
- Our PE day is Tuesday
- Homework will go home on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday
- Each small term your child will bring home a word list of high frequency and common exception words. Please support your child's reading fluency by practising these at home.
- Your child will bring home a reading log which also can be used as a contact book. Please keep this in your child's bag as we will check them daily.
- Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please read their book more than once as this will support your child's reading fluency.
- Please remember to bring spare clothes to school, including socks.
- Library day is on Thursday afternoons.
- Please note we have no birthdays in February so our next party afternoon will be in March. Thank you.
Topic Information:
Autumn 1- Me and my community
Autumn 2- Amazing autumn and wonderful winter
Spring 1- Long ago
Spring 2- Ready steady grow!
Summer 1- Animal safari
Summer 2- On the beach