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Spring 1 - Long Ago

Our Topic is Long ago

In the Long Ago project your child will learn about their history and how they have changed from when they were babies. They will learn about their family history and heritage and find out what life was like when their grandparents were children. They will learn about what it was like to go to school in the past and how everyday objects, such as clothes, toys and vehicles have changed.

Supporting your child at home

  • Look at photographs of the children as babies and discuss how they have grown and changed.
  • Look at family photographs so the children can see family members when they were children.
  • Talk about what your life was like when you were a child.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.


Number; Numerical patterns


Gross motor skills; Fine motor skills


Self-regulation; Managing self; Building relationships


Past and present; People, culture and communities; The natural world

Exp A&D

Creating with materials; Being imaginative and expressive


Listening, attention and understanding; Speaking


Comprehension; Word reading; Writing

Memorable experience

Long ago

Innovate challenge

Exploring changes